Baby is now the size of:
Less than a month to go (hopefully)! Baby feels big, people are starting to comment about “ready to pop” and everything hurts. I am trying to prepare myself for a very long month, I can’t wait to meet this little girl. I have gained about 25 pounds and I can feel every little bit of it. I am so glad that I am not going to be pregnant over the summer, my feet are already feeling too hot.Sleep: Sleep is not going well, I wake up a lot and feel tired all the time. It feels like a cruel joke that when you are pregnant and when you have a new baby you can’t have much caffeine. I have never needed it more!
Maternity clothes / preferred attire: Mostly maternity clothing, very little else fits at this point.
Symptoms: Acid reflux is getting really bad and hurting my sleep. I am also really starting to slow down and my body aches. I don’t have time to rest much during the day with running after Cannon and working so by the end of the day I am exhausted.
Cravings, aversions and favorite foods: Anything too acidic doesn’t sit well with me especially in the evenings so I have been avoiding them. A few weeks ago I had to give up kombucha and I have been missing it.
Exercise: Not much happening here and I feel bad about it. I would like to be at least walking and strength training a bit. But I am worried about this baby coming early so I have been poring my time into getting my classes ready for someone to step in if needed. It’s way more work to have someone else teach my classes then to do it myself.
Mood: Feeling so excited to meet this baby and to NOT be pregnant anymore but also wanting her to stay put and cook a little longer. Emotions are also swinging all over the place about Cannon not being my only baby anymore. I think he will be the best big brother ever but I worry that he will be sad that I don’t have as much attention.
Missing: Feeling human.
Best moments: Having Cannon lay his hand on my tummy and say his sisters name very sweetly.
Worst moments: Hearing that my blood pressure is creeping up and there are some proteins in my urine. I developed Preeclampsia with Cannon and was induced during my 39th week. I would really like to get to at least 38 weeks so it’s a little stressful. For now we are just keeping an eye on it.
Buying: All the things for the nursery.
Dreaming About: Bringing baby home and spending time as a family.
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