It felt very good to be back to a Sunday long run. My “long run” is only 6 miles as of now but it sets the stage for what feels like real long runs. To me runs start to seem longish at 8 miles + and anything over 10 definitely qualifies. Distance is all relative this is just how it feels to me.

I had oatmeal and water before my run and it felt like the good old days. I ran on the treadmill to avoid icy streets and snowy trails, but it was really a mental challenge to run 6 miles on the treadmill. I need to work on my treadmill mental strength since we are just starting winter here.

After my run we took the kids to the pool, we spend the summer living at our neighborhood pool but this indoor pool is good substitute during the winter.

We all enjoyed the hot tub at the end. Being at this pool after a “long run” reminds me of when Cannon was a baby and I was training for an ultra. I would always do my long runs on Sunday morning then Cannon had infant swim lessons in the afternoon. My legs were always so trashed for those lessons but I swear getting in the pool and moving around really help with my recovery for that training cycle!

What are some of your favorite recovery methods?
What do you consider a “long run”?
Hmm I haven’t thought too much about where I’d draw the line for a long run. But I’d agree 8 is starting to be one and definitely anything double digit!