My day started bright and early with a 4:30 AM wakeup call and a 5:00 AM date with the treadmill.
The kids woke up excited that it was Wednesday, our adventure day.

Emmy was trying to show me a peace sign.

Cannon and Emmy were having fun scooting around while I was getting ready.
Cory has to work but Cannon, Emerald and I have the day off and we often try to seek out some kind of adventure.

Cannon really wanted to take their new cameras into the mountains to take photos. Our mountains were getting 6-9 inches of snow so I didn’t think we should be heading up there so we compromised and went to the base of the front range in Lyons.

It was cold and snowy but it was worth it to get out of the house, sometimes the idea of the adventure is more important than the actual adventure.

There was a playground there and the kids enjoyed some time there.

We explored and took lots of pictures.

After we got home the kids were excited to wear their matching shirts.

We had a good time but I can’t wait until spring/summer when we can do more epic all day adventures. I feel urgency to make the most of this time before August when Cannon will start school full time and we won’t have these precious Wednesdays together.
In the evening I had a work training about updates to our teaching platform and new portals.
Any other teachers out there teaching online? Do you like it?
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