Getting up at 4AM is actually easy now, my body waked up easily with my alarm. I think getting up every day is really key, now I don’t think I could fall back asleep even if I wanted to! I finished Bridgerton while running three progression miles. I am sad that Bridgerton was over so fast and I will have to find something else to watch. The one upside to so many treadmill miles is that it is the only real time that I get to choose whatever I want to watch.
Wednesdays are one of my favorite days of the week, Cannon has the entire day off and we like to plan fun adventures. This week we met some friends to explore a space themed playground.

Cannon loved it and had so much fun. He is at an age where I don’t have to worry as much about him falling off so that makes it more fun for me.
It was so nice out that we ditched our jackets and played until lunch time. I am really looking forward to eating meals outside, unfortunately our backyard is very shady (great for the summer) so we have to wait until it warms up a little more.
After lunch and nap time, Emmy did nap, we walked down to another playground. It’s nice to take advantage of this nice weather while we have it!

They both walked the entire way, I have hight hopes to get Cannon up to 4-5 miles hiking this summer.

Emmy really enjoyed the sun.

When we got home we spent more time in the backyard playing with the drone and dreaming of a new patio. My hope is that we can get one installed this spring.

I asked Emmy to give me her best face so I could take her picture..this is what she gave me. I love how expressive she is!
I was sent this video and it looks AMAZING! Who else wants to go run in the Alps now?
Anyone else enjoying warm weather? It was in the 60s here =)
4.5 hours outside
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