Well it’s officially done, my 50 day run-streak ends today. I will talk more about what I learned by running every day for 50 days later this week but for now I know that I want to keep it going!
In June I ran 162 miles, in July my goal is to run 200.
After checking the calendar I realized that Cannon’s first day of school is exactly 50 days from today. It is blowing my mind that it is that close. I am a little heart broken that this time at home with him is ending so soon and that he is growing up sooooo fast. Cannon doesn’t have to go to three year old preschool so I sometimes question myself if I really want to send him. But I think he will love it and thrive going to school with friends. It’s only three hours a day four days a week so I will still get time to hang out and have adventures with him.
Given that I have 50 more days until school starts I decided it would be fun to keep the run streak going and add a few things on as well.
For the the next 50 days I will do the following every day:
- Run every day (at least one mile)
- Drink 100oz of water – Really want to focus on hydration during the summer
- Write – I want to blog every day to really build on the habit and share the day to day balance of motherhood, work and ultra marathon training.
- 10 minutes of core work – because two kids in less than two years.
- Meditate
The last one, meditating is a new one for me, but it’s something that I am trying to help me focus on all the things I have to be grateful for, keep my thoughts in check and spend time focusing on my thoghts.
So here we go, from today through August 20th the plan is to do all five of these things everyday.
Have you ever done a streak?
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