Happy Friday! This week went by so fast….is this life from now on, where everything feels in fast forward all the time? What happened to September?
Cannon joined me for part of my morning jog (I think it’s pronounced “yogging”) on his way to school.
At school they made friendship bracelets, Cannon came home and gave one to Emmy. She loved it so much, she wore it the rest of the day proudly, my mama heart melted.
Nap time called for afternoon coffee….afternoon coffee is almost as good as that first sip of coffee in the morning.
Another highlight of the day was picking up my new running shoes!
These are Hoka Clifton 7s, I have been running on my last pair for WAY too long. I have no idea how many miles are on them but it’s way past 500.
In the evening I had a class to teach, but I talked Cory into hanging our giant spider web in the house before I had to go to work.
What are you going to be doing for Halloween this year? We aren’t sure yet what are neighborhood will be doing and what will feel safe. It is such a weird time to navigate with kids.
Do you keep track of the milage on your shoes?
Do you decorate for Halloween? We are more and more now because the kids love it so much (I love it too).