I love this time of year for all the reflection and goal setting, dreaming big and feeling grateful. When I think back on 2019 I had some big running goals that were put on the back burner for various reasons, but I am not sad about that at all. Running will always be there for me to come back to (hello 2020) and I will just keep trying until I make my goals happen.
Instead 2019 became a year of magic , fun and making amazing memories with my family. The kids have changed so much this year, everyone always says it flies by but man it still gives me heartache. I held Emerald a little longer while putting her down for her nap today knowing that these days are numbered.
I can’t believe how much there two babies have changed since last January!
Some highlights from early in the year was a trip to Moab for a half marathon and time with Cory’s cousins whom I adore.
In February we went to Disneyland with my parents and it was amazing. I loved sharing one of my favorite places with my kiddos. Having Grandma and Grandpa along made it so special.
After Disneyland we celebrated Valentines day, these “little” holidays are so much more fun with kids!
We did lots of winter running with the kids tucked into the Thule.

In April we celebrated Emmy’s first birthday with a Peter Rabbit themed party.
And Emmy’s first Easter.
With better late spring weather we were able to get out on more family hikes.
And some trail runs.
In May we went to St. George, Utah to cheer Cory on for his Half Ironman.
Summer came around and I don’t think I have ever had so much fun!
I also started to really log some miles on the trails.
Mid June we celebrated Cannon turning three with a buggy birthday party. It was so cute and fun but I didn’t get any pictures of his party!
Summer for us means many trips to the mountains for hiking and camping.
July brought Le Tour de France, Independence Day and more trail running.
The begining of August was filled with as much fun as possible before Cannon started school.
Mid August Cannon started preschool for the first time. I had a way harder time with him starting school than I ever thought I would. Luckily he ended up loving school because I was really questioning my decision to send him.
Luckily he only is in school for three hours a day four days a week so we still had plenty of time to enjoy the end of summer.
In the fall we headed on our big adventure for the year visiting Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We had the most amazing time and made memories that will last a lifetime.

When we got home from Europe it was time to celebrate Halloween. Cannon was really into it this year and we dressed up as Peter Pan characters.
We spent Thanksgiving home with the flu but made up for it by doing all of the Christmas things with family and friends.
Going back over the year really reminds me of how much fun we had and how magical the year really was. I am so grateful for all the memories we made and most of all the health we all enjoy.
What are some of your favorite memories from 2019?