It’s finally February! January is usually my least favorite moth of the year so it takes the longest to pass. With the holidays being over, and it being so cold and dark I start looking forward to spring early. I am trying not to wish the time away as Emmy’s first year is going way to fast!
I just read that this weekend we are half way between the winter solstice and spring equinox—we are half way there!
In February I have a few goals I would like to accomplish:
- Run 150 miles – I am not continuing my run streak goal into February because of our trip to Disneyland and I think running while we are in Disneyland would be really stressful to fit in. With that in mind I am setting a milage goal instead. I do plan to return to a 50 day streak when I return so that should be fun.
- Strength train AT LEAST twice a week. This is a must do!
- Spin Class twice a week (after this week, I get a pass while traveling)
- Continue to write six days a week – This was a goal from January and I have really enjoyed writing more and sharing more from my day-to-day life. Now I just need to remember to take more photos.
- Cook twice a week, three times would be better.
A quick check-in on how my goals from January went (you can see the original post HERE)
- Run everyday in January, I talked about this more here. I would give myself an A- on this one. I think I missed 2 to 3 days and at first I felt like a failure because of that but when I think about it I did run at least 90% of the days in January and that is pretty good.
- Write 6 days a week – hopefully this one will last for more than just January. You may have noticed that posts have been a lot more frequent here on this ‘lil old blog. One of the best ways to get better at something is consistent practice. So writing most days of the week will hopefully help me improve as well as create a fun way to look back at this time in life. We have such a fun adventurous year planned I want to capture it all. Again I think this deserves an A- I posted Monday -Saturday and I think I missed a Thursday. I am pretty pleased with that.
- Cook dinner at least three days a week – Cory has always been our main cook, he is better at it and enjoys it more. But it’s nice for him to come home from work and get to play with the kids instead of start cooking straight away. Again hopefully practice leads to improvement. Hmmmmmm, I think I get a C- on this one. I did great the first couple of weeks then fell off the last 10 days, so I will say room for improvement and keep working on it.
Do you set goals for yourself then check in on your progress? Any big goals for this month?