The kids woke up feeling worse again after recovering over the last couple weeks. We are all tired of being sick and ready for this to be better. We talked to our pediatrician and she said RSV and other viruses are really bad this fall and that we can expect to need at least three weeks to recover.

We are not fans of this news.

luckily we can take things slow and easy with homeschool and do some fun fall crafts.

In the afternoon we got in to see the doctor because both kids have been sick so long and Emmy’s cough has been so bad that she can’t sleep overnight and was struggling to breathe.

Emmy got some steroids to help her lungs and was very happy to not have to get any shots.

After our appointment we went home to snuggle, try to recover and find a spooky movie to watch.
Have your kids come down with some crazy back to school virus?
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