I decided that after 3 weeks of NO running that I should take my damaged knee out for a test run. I planned to go only 2 miles and run really slow. At about a mile and three quarters I was getting excited, I didn’t have any pain until that point and in my head I was planning a comeback marathon in November or December. Somehow my body must have known my devious plans because suddenly I got a shooting pain in my knee that brought me to a walk, I walked for a minute and was able to start running again but I was so disappointed. Not even two miles…..really? I guess I will set my sights on something a little more realistic. Like a 5 mile trail run in early October.
Given that I have just now decided when I will start racing again and how far it will be, that means that I don’t have a training plan and haven’t had one in a while. I HATE not having a plan. I am flailing a bit right now trying to figure out a plan. I don’t have another triathlon planned until next year so I don’t have a lot of motivation to ride my bike or swim. So one of my tasks for the weekend is to sit down with my husband and write out a training plan for September. I would like to run the 5 mile race in under 45 minutes. I want to work on my speed this fall so when half ironman training starts in December I will be ready to start adding miles on.
Another goal of mine was to really start eating healthier so it will be easier on my body when training really starts to ramp up this winter. This may prove to be difficult given that I will be traveling for almost 3 weeks out of September. This is NOT the norm for my job, I rarely ever travel, although I will now in my new position. I know that many athletes travel for their day jobs and find time to train and eat well on the road, I am not one of those people. Once off my daily routine I tend to let everything go, don’t exercise and eat anything in sight. I really don’t want to do that this time, mostly given that I will be traveling for such a long period of time (I don’t want to come back 10 lbs heavier)! SO I really need to figure out how to keep some normality on these trips (which include, Houston, NYC and Vail).
Wish me luck, Happy September everyone!
Hey girl…I now have you on my blog roll so I can get my pee-brain to stop by more frequently -sorry I’ve been MIA, I’m just pathetic. :/ Thank you for your very sweet words!!
Anyhoo, you and me are in such similar spots with our training – maybe one day we can go for a run together so we can whine together. hehe. I clicked on that link for the race and it sounds really cool and such a low entry fee – yay! I am considering doing the Bear Chase trail 1/2 just for grins on teh 3rd. I know it will be slow but it may be fun to be on the trails and I wouldn’t have to worry about that dang SLOW pace right now?? A thought, perhaps in case you may want to join in??
I can’t eat well on the road (heck, I can’t seem to eat well at home! Such a slump of running for 9 months and my wt has followed accordingly. Grrr) so be careful out there, ok? I’m jealous you are on the road – I’d love to get out of here for a bit; no fall marathon means no traveling to anywhere. Tara said I should come with her to Chicago but I think that would kill me not to run it since I WAS registered and all. Maybe a trip up to the mountains in a week or two to see the Aspens turn is in order :).
Have a great weekend – I’ll be working the Athena Park to Park on Monday if you want to come and walk it! 🙂
Take care!
Hi there! Thanks for commenting on my blog the other day, I’m looking forward to following a fellow colorado runner! Plus, I see that you are friends with my buddy Jill. 🙂 Take care of that knee!
Stumbled into your blog from Run with Jill. Like your blog! Thought you might enjoy mine as I’m documenting my training for my first full Ironman in Arizona. I’m a Coloradoan too. Good luck with training! http://www.coloradobikeaholics.com