Yesterday the hubs and I joined the Rocky Mountain Triathlon Club, I am excited to meet other Coloradans that do triathlons and learn a lot more about training and racing. On a more exciting note, registration for Pacific Crest Half Ironman is open for 2011. We plan to sign up this weekend, I am so excited to commit to this race! My knee is holding up so far, I ran 3 miles yesterday with only minor pain and this morning I went to a weight training class with no knee pain at all. I stopped going to weight training class in June when triathlon training ramped way up and I just didn’t have time to go, and I didn’t want to be sore for y long runs and bike rides. But man, I paid for it this morning! I was shaking half way through the class, I will be sore tomorrow!
The last few weeks have been busy, including a trip to Oregon and a two week visit by my parents. (my dog Bailey and I running on the beach)
It’s been nice getting back to routine, although I leave Saturday for two weeks out of town. I hope to get better about posting almost everyday so I can have a good log of the build up and training for Pac Crest.
Congrats for joining the club… I’m sure it will be great to meet others with similar interests! And yay for signing up for the half!
That club sound perfect to keep your spirits up and motivation high! I LOVE weight training class, takes the guess-work out of me trying to figure out what to do! Safe travels!!!