There isn’t too much going on here now that we are on day two of our quarantine. We are doing our best to keep the kids having fun and not having contact with other people. Even now in these crazy times we are trying to focus on the good like:
Cake pops after getting a Covid test (Cannon really had a hard time with the test)
Emmy came along for the ride and also enjoyed her cake pop

Snuggle time with my oldest

Sweet little teacher gifts that we will now be mailing:

Our home gym so that we can get some movement in. Cory actually went for a bike ride outside in the middle of the night. There wasn’t anyone else out at 11PM (yikes, I was asleep).

**Photo from 2014 when we first moved in before kids, now it is full of stuff!
That our Vice President Elect was ON A RUN when she found out that they won.

And that it’s almost time to decorate for Christmas. I think we might just go for it early this year since we are stuck at home and it would be something fun to do. We still put up a live tree so that won’t happen until after Thanksgiving.

What is something you are thankful for today?
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