Christmas is feeling so close! I can’t believe it’s just two and half weeks away! Here are a couple ideas if you are looking for some stocking stuffers for the runner in your life:

Runner Mug – Most runners love coffee, I love this one, it’s metal so it’s great on the road as well!
GU Gels – Get your runner their favorite running fuel, I love this GU variety pack.
Neck Gaiter – A very 2020 gift, great as a face covering and for cold weather running.
Running Socks – Runners always need more socks, I though these were super cute!
Headlamp – It’s dark this time of year and a headlamp can make things so much nicer for those morning or evening runs.
Hand Warmer – These rechargeable hand warmers are so cool, great for running or skiing etc.
Running Books – I love this book but any running book is a great gift. I also love Born to Run and Run Fast Cook Slow.
Gloves – Just like socks it’s always good to have more gloves. These are great, I also love the Head brand that is sold at Costco.
More Gift ideas for runners:
It was another early running morning for me, anyone else have alarms that look like this:

I have so many at such random times and I use all of them.
While I would never ask for times like these I am so grateful to get to watch Cannon interact with his teachers and friends at Zoom school.

I just fall in love with him over and over again.
We also got a chance to go have a craft play date at my parents house.

It was over 60 degrees so we went to their back porch and made Kiwi Co Christmas crafts. It was so nice of my mom to get these for the kids and it was so sweet that they got to do them together. We still aren’t gathering inside so outdoor activities are keeping things fun.

It’s been very easy but it looks like the weather will be turning.
With the pandemic have you been doing more outdoor activities?
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