We started our day with a new to us playground.

We’ve driven by this place many times but never stopped. The weather has been just so easy but so so dry, I am worried about drought already =(
We had our typical day of an early lunch, dropping Cannon off at school then hitting up the Library after pick-up.

I love that the kids love the library as much as I do. They have an outdoor play area that is open as long as it’s not too cold or wet.
On Saturday we had a lot of chores to do but made time to go for a hike.

We tried to go to one of our favorite trails in Boulder but it was closed because of fires last season.

We did find another trail and enjoyed the sunshine.

The end of a hike can always be a bit tough but lollipops always help get us back to the car.
We hit our goal of 52 hikes for this year and next year I hope to share all of the kid friendly hikes we find.
When we got home we tried on outfits for family pictures.

I finally took down our chalk board, I loved this one!

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