Hooray for Friday! I am so looking forward to this weekend, I am not sure what we are going to do but the weather is nice, Cory has a long weekend and we will be together. One of my goals for this weekend is to prep to run outside more, although we have daylight savings coming up so that might throw a wrench in things.
Yesterday I started out with a very easy run on the treadmill, getting up early has become so easy now.
After getting the kids up we got ready for school. Emmy had something in her eye we cleared it up with eye drops but she wasn’t feeling up to walking Cannon to school. Emmy stayed home to cuddle with Cory while I took Cannon to school. It’s nice to have just Cannon to hang out with sometimes, he is just the sweetest, silliest, funniest kid. His heart is gold and I really don’t know how we got so lucky.

After dropping Cannon off Emmy and I got ready to go to the pool. They have limited how many people can be in the pool at a time so we were happy to grab a reservation for just the two of us.

I threw it way back to 2012 with my Ironman CDA back pack, this thing is seriously the best gear bag!

Emmy was so excited to go swimming, she has missed it so much.

Her face must have hurt from smiling so much the entire time we were there.
After swimming we picked up Cannon from school and came home for lunch and nap. Emmy has been tired and has napped the last couple days.
It was a grey, cold rainy day so we stayed inside to play for the rest of the afternoon.
I had a class to teach in the evening, and I was pretty happy to get to wear my clogs under the desk.

Something that Cannon has really gotten into lately is yoga, he loves Cosmic Yoga on YouTube.

Emmy likes it too, but Cannon has been LOVING it.

I found these kids yoga mats in the dollar spot at Target:

You can get them individually in store or all four online I got Emmy the cat and Cannon the frog. They are going to be so excited to do yoga on them!

I was also SO excited to find this active set for Emerald, I feel like running shorts are hard to find for toddler girls. I scooped up both designs and I can’t wait for it to be warm enough for her to wear!

I got Cannon this Puma set from Costco I am excited for him to get to wear these to soccer this spring.

This weekend I am going to be putting together the kids’ St. Patricks Day baskets and I am loving these rainbow baskets!
What are you loving lately?
Any fun plans for the weekend? We are still working on our plans, hopefully we will find an adventure to go on.
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