After talking about a running slump yesterday, things seemed to bounce back today. Sometimes it helps to define an issue to lead to a solution. I finally set my alarm, got back to a routine and got on the treadmill ( I still really want to run outside but the air is still bad).
I am getting tired of our “second summer”
Maybe talking about how it shouldn’t be in the 80s every day in October will make it change.
Emmy and I did get out to get some sunshine and walk to pick up Cannon up from school.
These two had fun trying to find fall leaves.
It was a teaching night for me so we had rotisserie chicken and Cesar salad for dinner. Love this quick easy meal for week nights when we don’t have a lot of time.
The smoke is not fun but it has made some pretty epic sunsets lately.
Yes, that is a Oogie Boogie Man decal in our window…..
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