This last week was a little funky since it started in Boston but it ended feeling like my first “real” weekend of ironman training. Mostly because I finally got outside for my long ride. I am so looking forward to summer!
Monday: Boston Marathon day but I still got in 6 miles
Tuesday: Last day in Boston, does walking around being a tourist count?
Wednesday: Back to relativity, work and 90 minuets of intervals on the trainer
Thursday: Swimming and a quick run with the pug
Friday: Strength training
Saturday: 4 hour bike ride with a 20 minute t-run – I was stoked since I got my workouts in before a storm rolled in
Sunday: Said Storm did roll in, it was cold and rainy so motivation was low to get out and run. I got out told myself not to judge the first mile (should have told myself not to judge the first THREE miles) about 4 miles in I started to actually feel great and got my 13 miles in.
~12 hours of training, not too bad with travel only 12 weeks until Ironman Canada!
Those 12 weeks are going to fly by! And I say that a tourist day full of walking definitely counts 😉
Thanks Abby!!! I know It feels like if I blink it will be July.