Cannon and Emmy both got to wear their costumes to school and were very excited about the entire day. Emmy decided to wear her Sally costume from last year since it was better from playing than this years Princess Peach costume.

It was also the first snow of the season, it was too warm to stick but winter is coming!

After dropping Cannon off at school I went to Target for a return and browsing for Christmas gifts. The toy that gets played with the most is our Magna-Tiles. I wonder if the kids would like is these polar animals kits. I also thought it was funny that the seasonal section was half orange and half red.

I did pick up these cute little boards for our play kitchen.

Then I was off to Emmys school for her Halloween party. It was really fun for both Cory and me to see Emmy in her classroom with her friends.
And then it was time to for the afternoon hustle of throwing dinner in the crockpot, making lunch and heading out to pick up Cannon. He had a great day, I love how much he loves school.

Then it was time to play (no more soccer practice this season) and eat BBQ chicken stuffed sweet potatoes.

And now for some running talk, I am so so hopeful that I will finally be back to running and get some fun races in for 2023. I LOVE running but I also hate running. When my non-runner friends tell me that they want to like running but they hate it, I say me too! And they look at me like I am crazy. But the truth is I do hate running when I am out of shape. It’s SOOOOO hard, everything feels weird, it’s slow and annoying. When getting back into shape I start liking running again a little bit when I can run three miles easily, then more when I can run five easily, then I madly fully in love again when ten miles can be a weekday run.

So if you *want* to love running but don’t my advice is to give it at least three months (six would be better) of consistent running. If you still hate it then it’s not for you but you could just find that you love it.
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