We started our day with a school, I can’t believe we are almost all the way to winter break! Then drove over to our “running trail”

We decided to run easy today and add a little distance. I am so proud of these kiddos loving running and working on our goal of 5k by May.

We ran 1.25 miles before checking out the birds.

We went home finished up so school work, ate lunch then decided we wanted to go to the Children’s Museum.

We always have so much fun here!

The “snow days” theme right now is so fun!
And since it’s baking season I though I would share some of my favorite holiday treats:
It’s officially baking week! I have handful of favorite holiday treats that I make every year to share with family and friends.
I thought I would share a few incase you are looking for some fun easy recipes to try:
Grinch Cookies:

These are so easy, delicious and unique. We call them grinch cookies because of their green color.
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Fudge

This fudge is so good and again easy to make! We also make our chocolate fudge using this recipe by subbing chocolate chips in and adding chopped walnuts.
Cranberry Orange Cake
I am not a hug fan of pie and right after thanksgiving I like something different. This cake is SO good! It’s unique and a very good replacement for pie.
Monkey Bread

These are our Christmas morning tradition. They have to sit overnight but are again easy and so good. Maybe not as pretty as cinnamon rolls but I think they taste better.
Peppermint Bark
I always make this peppermint bark for my family for their stockings.

These are Cory’s favorites but I don’t always have time to make them so they are great valentines treats as well.
Please share your favorite holiday treat!
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