Whew, we made it through August! Nothing was so terrible but it did feel like something I needed to get through and I feel so good about the direction we decided to go. Regardless we are moving forward and are looking forward to so much this month.

Cannon starts school on September 8th and while I would selfishly keep him with me at all times if I could but I know it’s best for him to go to school. He is excited to start and I am excited for him. One of the bonuses of sending him to a private school is that we can pull him out for adventures when we want (I will *try* not to abuse this).
Things I am most looking forward to this month:
- The weather changing and cooling off a little
- Mountain trips to see the leaves turn
- Fall camping in the mountains!
- Fall food
- Prepping for all things Halloween
- Our trip to Disneyland!

My goals for September are to:
- Get in a routine of getting up early to exercise (try, try again)
- Be outside as much as possible, lots of hikes
- Enjoy our trips together
August was a roller coaster but still so so good, anytime we are together is a good time.
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