We had the best ride today, it was a beautiful sunny (unfortunately windy) warmish day. After a slow run yesterday it felt great to jump on my bike and go fast!Cory’s bike all ready to go, I have nicknamed it princess because he is so nice to it 🙂
We started out at Frog Hollow Park (how cute is that name) and headed south on the Platte River trail for 20 miles and turned around at Chatfield reservoir.
Turn around point. Everything is so brown here, I miss green mossy Oregon. I know that riding in the rain isn’t fun but moving from the rain forest to the desert is difficult.
All in all it was a great and productive weekend, hope you all had a good one!
A beautiful sunny warmish day and a bike ride? I would be in heaven! I can’t wait for a little sunny warmth to hit us here in Oregon! Sunny Spring bike rides are. the. best!
Ooooh, envy that outdoor riding! Love your new tri kit and suit too! AND CDA?? Yahoo! I have heard awesome things about that IM. Depending on how this year goes… might have to join you! 🙂
I’m so jealous that you went on a ride outside! I still haven’t been able to get outside yet! Soon though!