I am struggling to accept that I really do have an injury and it is NOT good. I know this is oh so dramatic but running has kept me sane with everything that is going on and the thought of having to give it up is not sitting well. The panic will subside but for now I am feeling all the sads.

My knee has been not feeling good for the last week or so and has been steadily getting worse. This morning I ran four miles, it didn’t hurt much while running (although it didn’t feel great). As the day wore on it felt worse and worse and I am having to accept that I am doing dealing with a true injury and ignoring won’t help.
Thanks to Dr. Google I think I have runners knee or Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome specifically. The description sounds exactly like what I am experiencing and you know….diagnosing yourself is a great idea 😉

The above website had some great information and steps to treat the injury. My immediate plan is to stay off it and rest as much as possible this weekend, RICE and see how it feels on Monday. If it hasn’t improved I will call my favorite PT for help. I am really really hoping this is a one week recovery not a 4-6 week recovery.
After my run (home before the kids got up, which is always a win in my book) we had breakfast then made our way to a neighborhood park. It was already over 80 degrees and full sun so there wasn’t anyone else there.

They decided to roll down a hill, I felt itchy just watching them, but they loved it!

It was a teaching night for me (5:30pm to 8:30pm) so we needed a quick meal. Cory whipped up a salad that was delicious.

I am always impressed how Cory can make a kid version of our dinner as they aren’t quite lettuce eater yet.

Also we got a new pump for our SUP (our old one has been giving us trouble for years) so we can finally use it! So that was a win for the day.
Anyone else currently injured?
Have any positive stories about knees healing quickly?
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