Oh heyo February!
I am kind of glad January is done for the year. This happens to be my least favorite time of year. The days are short, winter is in full swing, the holidays are long over and spring seems forever away. But this year more than ever I am not wishing the months away. Cannon is growing up so fast, sometimes I just want to press pause to really soak in who he is now, he is so sweet and fun and precious.
But since I don’t have control over time I guess I will just move along with goals for February.
I always like setting goals for a month, the time is long enough to really get things accomplished but not so long that it’s overwhelming.
For February my goals are:
1. To run 120 miles. This may not seem like much, especially since I am in the thick of marathon training but I am determined to build up slowly so I don’t get injured. I set a goal of running 100 miles in January and just made it with 102 miles.
2. Run everyday in February. I don’t think that a “run streak” is necessary but for me I like the idea of not thinking about when to run and just setting up really good habits of running everyday. It doesn’t have to be long, just 20 minutes to count in my book. This is a fun goal but one I will give up on if I feel that I am going to get injured.
3. Strength train at least twice a week
4. Try to post on the blog at least twice a week, three would be better but I want to be realistic. I really want to remember this time in my life and documenting it here means a lot to me. I would like to include marathon training updates for my first big race back after baby.
5. Continue to prioritize and put family first. January was pretty crazy with some life changes (more on that later) but I was happy that I was still able to be present and prioritize time with my family. This one is a bit intangible but I think I will know if I have been successful.
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