We finally had some cold weather come through Colorado yesterday. A storm left lots of snow in the high country and Denver with just a little less than an inch. Normally we get a lot more snow and cold days in October so we have had it easy this year so far. I had 16 miles to run so I bundled up and headed to one of my favorite paths that I knew wouldn’t to too snowy.
After running 16 miles yesterday Cory decided to join me on his bike instead of on foot. He carried my water for me and it was so nice not to have to carry a pack!
We started out in sub 20 degree weather, I was a little chilly but was fine until a very cold wind started blowing on the way back. Not pleasant but I would MUCH rather run in the cold than the heat!
Overall the run was fine, my legs didn’t feel very spunky they pretty much felt the same at mile one as they did at mile fourteen.
Would you rather run in the heat or cold???
Golly I wish the USA would join the rest of the world in a rational measurement system. 20 F is -6 C or so. That isn’t cold by Colorado standards. Or do you mean -20 F? That’s -29 C and is cold enough to dress carefully for running outside. I’m guessing from your photo that it’s the first. 16 miles (26 K) is a long run hot or cold, good for you!
I’d much rather run in the cold than the heat. One can always put on another layer, but no matter how little you wear, or how much water you splash on yourself, there is a limit to how much heat your body can shed.
I totally agree with you Keith, as a geeky science major Celsius and the metric system are much better! I did mean +20 F. I have bailed on a run once when it was below 0 F and blowing snow, I just couldn’t do it.
Congrats on braving the cold! I hate cold weather!
I can’t imagine running in the snow! I would say I’d rather run in the “cold” but for me that means in the low 50s instead of the “hot” which is high 80s. I’m a baby!
I think mid 50s is my favorite temp to run. I assume you don’t get that cold often in So Cal.