This morning we finally put up book shelves in the playroom that I have thinking about for a long time.

I have wanted to have seasonal shelves so that I can collect all our themed books. We are starting with Halloween books and I love it. My plans for the shelves are:
Jan/February – Love/Valentines Day
March – St. Patricks Day/Spring
April – Easter/Spring
May – Emmy’s birthday theme
June – Cannon’s birthday theme
July – Camping/summer
August – Back to School
September – ????? Not sure about this one yet (suggestions welcome)
October – Halloween
November/December – Christmas
I feel like we are still settling into the school year and it’s been over a month now. Anyone else still trying to get into a good routine? We haven’t had a full/normal school year yet since Covid has disrupted Cannon’s first two years of school. Although drop off and pick up are much more simple since Emmy can stay in the car with car line. I would have loved this the last two years when she was much less cooperative at getting in and out of the car.

We love picking Cannon up and all being back together.

Emmy sometimes falls asleep at pick-up since she so recently gave up her nap.

Cannon had soccer practice in the evening, so Emmy got to hang out with some of her friends. We are unsure about soccer in the spring since we have to give up our weekends. I just really like the idea of the kids being on a team sport.
Do your kids play sports? At what age did they start?
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