Hello Friends! I think we all know that part of the fun of being an endurance athlete or just being active is all the great “gear” that comes along with it. So if you are looking for things to add to your own list or something special for the athlete in your life then maybe you can find inspiration from a few of the things that have caught my eye or that I already have and love. There are way too many things for just one posting so I will break them up into parts:
Athlete Wish List Part 1 (swim)
Athlete Wish List Part 2 (bike)
Athlete Wish List Part 1 (run)
Athlete Wish List Part 1 (train)
Athlete Wish List Part 1 (stocking suffers)
Swim is by far my least favorite thing to train for but that doesn’t mean I don’t like goodies:
Everyone needs a great swim bag, I like this one from Speedo:
Pull buoys can help work on form as well as rest tired legs, comes in pink or blue:
If you are in the pool for a really long time what would be better to fuel with than Sharkies!
If you want to splurge TYR Freak of Nature is supposed to be the best wetsuit out there (I wouldn’t know, I love my suit but not that $$$ much)
What would be on your swim list?
Lists from last Year:
2011 wish list – part 1
2011 wish list – part 2
2011 wish list – part 3
Good goggles are worth every penny. I get the Aqua Sphere ones, and replace them as soon as they leak a drop. They last me a couple years, pool and open water swims.
Shorty fins, good for learning dolphin kick, and they float well enough to use them for pull.
Your own pace clock if your pool doesn’t have one, or is in a place where you can’t see it. (Talk about $$$!)
I’m told a micro fiber towel is totally the bomb. They fold up to nothing and work really well. I’m still working through old cotton towels.
Whatever the money, get good shampoo and conditioner. Even with what little hair I have, if I don’t do that it will stand on end. Not the best image for a business meeting.
Flip flops. A must. If I forget them I won’t swim. I’m still working on a pair that is well over 20 years old.
Hand paddles. I hate them, but they are good for building strength and proper hand entry position.
Last, and most important, a friend or lifeguard that will tell you when your swimsuit bum is getting see through.
Wow Keith, that was a great list! I loved the last the one most!
I think this should be added to the swim suit section of the list… http://chzb.gr/QrEykS
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