This weekend I felt a bit like the universe was conspiring against me getting my long run in. I had planned to run 14 miles on Thursday while Cannon and Emmy hung out with my parents. Emerald was coming down with a cold so she ended up taking a really long nap so by the time she woke up and I dropped them off I only had time for about 6 miles. I wasn’t too upset and just planned on running the 14 miles over the weekend. Then I ended up suffering from some stomach issues on both Saturday and Sunday, I didn’t feel up to more than a couple miles either day. I was pretty upset about it until I decided to just treat it like an early start to my taper for my race on Saturday.
My race is this Saturday so I have officially started stalking the weather in Moab. My favorite weather site is Weather Underground since they have great 10 day forecasts and seem to be really accurate.

It looks like the weather is going to be great for Saturday, fingers crossed it doesn’t change!
On Saturday we still had a great time celebrating a friends second birthday. The rest of the day was spent cleaning up and running errands.

Sunday I had my long run gear all set out and ready to go early in the morning.

I was sure that I was going to get those 14 miles in. But again I wasn’t feeling up to it. Instead I rested a bit and hung out with the kiddos.
For lunch I had a childhood friend that now lives in Kansas come by for lunch. He and his wife had spent the weekend in Winter Park and had time to come by and enjoy pizza and salad made by Cannon.

After lunch and naps we were craving some movement and fresh air so we went in search of a park that wasn’t covered in snow. We finally found one and it was everything we wanted it to be.

The park was deserted when we arrived but soon other kids showed up and Cannon quickly made friends and was having the best time. Cannon makes friends everywhere he goes.
Yesterday I was feeling a bit better so I got in 3.5 miles on the treadmill before coming up to hang out with Emerald who woke up early.
We spent the morning at the Children’s Museum. It was crazy busy because school was out but both Cannon and Emmy had a great time!
We made it home for lunch of leftover pizza and naps. Cannon has taken his nap the last three days, hooray!
After naps we got some food together and dropped off a meal for a friend who just had a little boy named Oliver. He is so cute and little! My friends did a Meal Train for us when we had Emerald and it was so nice to not have to worry about meals for a while. The website makes it so easy to organize and participate. We have done it now for many new Mommy friends.
Have you ever participated in a meal train? What is your favorite meal to give to friends?
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