Emerald’s second month was pretty difficult times for our family and string of bad luck that we couldn’t believe as we were walking through it including our pug getting very sick and Cory rupturing his Achilles. While these things were difficult on us little Emmy sailed through them like a champ.
At two months Emerald is 23.25 inches long (83%) and 11lbs 13oz (63%)
We are still trying for exclusively breast feeding but some days we need to supplement with some formula. Our pediatrician encouraged me not to stress about giving her formula like I did with Cannon, waking up multiple times at night to pump, and I am trying to be a peace with that.
Sleep seems to be progressing and we have moved up to only waking once or twice a night often giving us 5-6 hour stretches of sleep. I looks like she might be a good night sleeper just like Cannon.
During the day we don’t really have a set nap schedule as much as I would love one. Being kid number two she has had to learn to sleep on the go, but also similar to Cannon she will often “cat nap” 10-20 minutes at a time.
Unfortunately for me this means that Emerald is usually asleep while we are out in the morning and then awake for all of Cannon’s nap.
Emerald is making great making great strides with head control and working on her tummy time as much as possible.
Her head full of dark hair just continues to grow and grow, it’s not falling out the way Cannon’s did. She is also growing like a weed and not fitting into her newborn clothes anymore and wearing her 0-3 months clothes. I loved dressing Cannon but little girl clothes are just so much fun!
We are trying to give Emerald as much tummy time as we can and showing her toys to reach for but mostly she likes to lay on her back and kick.
I was really worried when Cory had surgery to repair his Achilles that things would be unmanageable trying to keep up with everything. But I have to say it was much easier than I thought it would be. Cory was on bed rest for a week, having to keep his leg elevated as much as possible so he couldn’t run after Cannon but he did a great job helping with Emerald. They got a lot of time snuggling and he even changed her diaper multiple times from his perch on the couch. The time home from work was actually really good bonding time for them.
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