It’s back to reality (work) for me today and it was a crazy eleven hour day. I have still not worked out since my race on Saturday, I hope to get some strength training in tonight and a run in tomorrow morning before heading to a twelve hour day at work tomorrow, good thing I like my job!
I decided that since since it’s almost the end of June I should revisit the resolutions/goals I set back in January to see how I am doing and get motivated to reach all of them in the next six months.
2011 resolutions:
1. Prepare more healthy meals (Cory is our main cook, I would like to start cooking about twice a week) I consider this one done =) I have been cooking more and have learned to prepare a few healthy vegetarian dishes, win!
2. Work on my core, I know my core is weaker than it should be so I plan on doing plank every night in January and will move on from there Crap, not at all, need to get on this one, tonight!
3. I would like to PR in a 5k, 5M, 10k, half marathon and marathon. This should be easy given that last year was my first year racing and I only ran one (maybe 2) of each race and I have never ran a marathon, guaranteed PR =) PRed in the 10M, half marathon and full, I haven’t ran a 5k, 5M this year and my 10k was in an Olympic tri, no PR there.
4. Work on sticking to my training plan. I know there are times I won’t be able to stick to it because of outside influences, but when I just don’t feel like it, suck it up! So far so ok, still work to be done on this one
5. Take off a few pounds (10-15) I am not technically “over weight” but I know that being lighter will be easier on my joints. taken off about 5 so far.
6. Be better about blogging (i.e. more consistent, better pictures, etc.) lots of work to be done here
7. Run 1,000+ miles about 605 miles so far, as long as I don’t get an injury I should make it =)
Overall I am happy with my progress. The first 6 months of this year have been good and have included my first marathon and half ironman. Now my focus is shifting a bit to maintenance of the swim/bike distance, speed and ramping up my running miles for my ultra marathon in August.
How are your resolutions/goals going?
Wow… you’re doing awesome! I love the mid year check ins! Keep up the great work!