Lots of things to talk about but I need to wrap up my posts about our training trip to Moab.You can read about day one and day two if your missed them. Day 3 and 4 don’t get their own posts because both ended up being half days unfortunately. Saturday we woke up to some light rain and very cold temps. Hoping that it would clear up we layered up, packed up our bikes and drove out to the start of our long ride for the weekend. Some very dedicated folks started from the hotel had 100+ miles on the schedule my plan called for 88 miles and lots of climbing up in Canyonlands .
As we were driving out to the parking lot (and the 6 people were riding) it started to really rain hard. As we regrouped at the parking lot shivering we got word (thanks smart phones) that it was snowing at dead horse point ,where we were headed. I was very nervous about riding in the cold rain since I was still recovering from a very nasty cold/sinus infection and I didn’t want to risk relapse. Plus I was miserable just standing in the rain, I couldn’t imagine riding in it. The rain was forecasted to stop in two hours (10 am) so we decided to head back to the hotel, get some food and wait out the storm. Most of the dedicated riders pushed on in the cold and wet, I am amazed by the toughness and dedication of these guys (and gals)!
Long story short we waited much longer than we would have liked for the rain to stop and our “long” was cut to 48 miles and the transition run was completely cut out.
We had a team dinner to get to at 5:30, priorities. I was disappointed to be cut short but I think it was the right choice and the views were still amazing!
Happy to finally be on the bike!
After a short ride we went to a team dinner, over 60 triathletes in one place was a lot of fun. After dinner it was early to bed so Cory and I could get up and head back to Arches for a trail run.
While we didn’t get as many miles in as we would have if we had run on the roads and we did get lost a couple times
It was fun running around and finding arches everywhere
I just wish we had more time to spend on the trails, but we had to get back for check out
Next year….check out first and drive home sweaty so there is more time for trails!
Double Arch
Can’t wait to go back!
I love the views!! I need to find a race out there to do