Another week down – this week was ok from a training perspective, I was feeling a little under the weather so each session was a bit of a challenge. Also it was spring break here in Denver so it was an extra busy week at work with early mornings and late evenings at work.The big fail was that I didn’t get in the pool once, I kept meaning to and then wither sussed out pushed it off. That really can’t happen anymore, must be more consistent in swimming, and all disciplines. It’s officially Spring and the pre-season winter safety is now gone. But it’s a new month with a clean slate and a chance to go from doing ok to going great! I am now looking at the start of race season starting this weekend with Boulder Half Marathon.
Here’s a look at week 13:
Monday: Yoga and indoor spin, lots of snow still on the ground
Tuesday: Yoga (legs still tight from the weekend) and track practice the track had a little lush and I left with a few new blisters on my toes
Wednesday: 90 minute trainer ride (lots of indoor riding this week) and strength training
Thursday: 80 minute trainer ride, also this was my first bike commute to work of the year, shameful that it took this long!
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 56 mile ride in Boulder, so nice to be outside!! Topped off with a 5 mile ride with my parents and a 3.5 mile transition run, this was my fist t-run of the season and I could really feel it. I have had a few of these on the schedule but haven’t been able to make it work before because of weather.
Sunday: 8.5 mile run, I would like to have run further but I am trying to keep my milage in check this early in the season
Total: 13ish hours of training and feeling ready for more
Nice week of training
It is looking hopeful I can get outdoors soon to train more