I haven’t lived in Colorado long so it really freaks me out to have 5+ inches of snow in MAY!
I am not going to complain though since last year we spent the summer with half the state on fire, we will take every bit of moisture we can get. I am excited for a fresh new month.
April was a hit and miss month for me in terms of training. I was sick for the first two weeks and had a pretty crappy race while coming down with the demon cold. Then just as I was recovering it was off to Moab for 4 days of triathlon fun. I was not 100% but I was at least well enough to participate and that made me happy. I came back to town and got a fairly decent week of training in with a killer brick in the sunshine. Then the end of the semester hit. I am just entering finals week so there is a lot of work to do for school, luckily this week is a recovery week so I can focus a little more on classes/finals/research/etc. Then after finals are over in a week I have almost four and a half weeks before summer semester starts (bliss).
In May…..
May will be a little hit and miss as well for training but I knew that was coming. I am going to Baja for a research trip for work. This won’t be a cushy work trip with hotel pools and gyms to work out in. This is sleeping in tents and avoiding scorpions. I don’t know exactly what the conditions will be but I am hoping I can get some running and hopefully ocean swims in while I am away for 12 days. Obviously there will be no biking. I am nervous what this will do to my fitness. But I have three weeks before I go so I will try to get as much time in on the bike between now and then and just deal with the consequences when I get back. So my goals for May are simple:
- Follow training plan completely for the next three weeks
- Foam roll and core at least 4 times a week
- strength training two times a week
- Yoga two times a week
- Work on our yard during school break so we can enjoy it during the summer
Anyone had to travel while training for a race for so long without equipment? Did you lose fitness?
We went to England last year for 10 days in July (November IM). I ran 1x, biked 2x (friends got us bikes in Wales!) and swam 0 times in 10 days. It was a nice break in a long season. When we got back we had about 4 weeks til our half and 15 weeks til IM. I definitely didn’t gain fitness but I came back refersehd and ready to get to work! Although that was vacay, not a work trip….
So I shouldnt mention that it is 65 and sunny today and 70 amd sunny tomorrow? Because that would be mean, and I dont want to be mean, so I wont mention that.
Missing the bike for 2 weeks would make me nervous, I dont think you will lose fitness because of the running, the first couple bikes when you get back might not be fun, but I believe muscle memory will kick in fast