It was an EPIC training weekend, and will be leading into a pretty heavy week so I am enjoying a little of this and some Christmas music on my rest day and enjoying every minute of it.
This weekend started out with a three hour trainer ride. It’s so much harder to do long rides inside compared to outside but I try to think of it at mental toughness training and move on. We had an evening strength session after watching the Kona coverage twice (serious awesomeness). Then on Sunday we had an easy morning before dropping the kids dogs at my parents house and head to Teller Farms in Boulder for a trail run. We did a 11 mile out and back, it was a little snowy on the flat parts and really snowy and muddy on the hills. My calves are seriously sore today. But it was beautiful out and I really enjoyed getting off the treadmill and back on the trail.
Taking it very seriously as usual
The trail runs through open grazing land so we got to run by cows so close I could have touched them. I was seriously tempted to try to pet one but I resisted.
I took a video during the run I sound like darth vader, and please don’t watch if you get sea sick! I really need to work on my skills and probably get a cool flip camera!
Please forgive me for the video of you watched it, I’m special.
Moving on to this week…..Charley surprised us with a pick up in intensity in the next couple weeks, I say bring it, let’s see if I can keep up.
Monday: Rest day, and I need it!
Tuesday: am: 80 min Interval Run pm: 60 min strength training
Wednesday: 90 min spin class and 60 min pilates
Thursday: Swim workout (2800 m) pm: Hill training run (80 min)
Friday: 2.5 hour trainer ride (how is that going to happen before work?1?)
Saturday: 5k race and swim workout
Sunday: Hill training (80 min) and 60 min strength
That’s it for this week, lot’s of running, I am already feeling stronger and still loving it!
What is your plan for the week?
Christi says
Great weekend! Keep up the good work!
vtbRUNSsav says
Wait. You run in SNOW?? Ummm I complain when it is 45 degrees out in the morning!! You are a rockstar!!
Aimee says
That trail run looked like so much fun!