I had to work a long day Saturday so there was no workout planned, but it was still a good day.That little white thing up front is Rio, she is a Tamandua or Lesser Anteater, she is very sweet (and stinky). After work Cory picked me up and took me to one of my favorite places.
Pinkberry! I got lychee and mango swirled together with lots of gummy bears, pure bliss! Then we did some shopping, my pinkberry got me through our trip to the Home Depot, which can sometimes be a soul sucking experience for me. I was excited to get stuff to help our yard come back to life, three cheers for not being the neighborhood shame! Next we went to Target, one of my favorite places to shop, try not to judge me too much. We spent way too much time and money there (poor Cory) but I did find these adorable sticky notes, and had to buy them for my employees (they are all women).
Who dosen’t need frog sticky notes?!?
We headed home for a late dinner and cuddling with the pups, Today we are headed out for an 16-18 mile trail run in Lyons.
What are you up to this weekend?