and back past the art museum. We ran an 8 mile loop before stopping quickly at home to pick up Winston for the last 2 miles.
I will be riding 53 miles of big hills then a 30 minute transition run, hopefully it goes well!
I can’t even explain how great yesterday was. I was happy to be back at work and around the people I work with, I love them! I also went for a five mile run last night. This is the longest I have run in months, it went well even though my knee ached a bit. Djimmer says it’s ok if my knee aches as long as there is no shooting pain and the ache goes away within 24 hours. It couldn’t have been a more perfect run, I threw on my headlamp and headed out into my neighborhood in the dark. The temperature was perfectly chilly, I love fall!
But the best part of the day was meeting up with some work friends at a local pub (where I only drank water because I still had to run, boo) to talk about possibly running a relay this summer. We talked about a lot of the big relays in Colorado and settled on the Epic Rocky Mountain Relay. My good friend and I will be co-captains for the team, I am so happy to have an excuse to spend even more time with her. It will be such a fun experience, I can’t wait to get started!
The best part is that we are going to use this to fund raise for something near to all of our hearts and that is conservation. We haven’t completely decided on a cause but are leaning towards the funds going to orphaned baby one horned rhinos. Seriously these guys are so cute! For me this is the merging of two of the things I am most passionate about. I can’t wait to bond with like minded people in a sweaty van while running thought the mountains. Nothing could be better!
Check out this video from the website:
Now head over SUAR she has an awesome shoe giveaway!