Our Elves arrived this morning and it was so much fun.

We set up the table with Christmas trees, trains and a sleigh. They brought the kids “Arrival Baskets” with some little goodies. Last years’ baskets were fun too with a Disney theme.

We don’t go over the top with these since they will be getting Christmas gifts, these are mainly things I want them to have before Christmas. This year had a little stationary kit, PJs, bath bombs, ornaments for the trees in their rooms, Pez, Hot Cocoa bombs and a few treats.

We are excited to have Jingle and Bells back with us until Christmas! The kids also got new Christmas books to add to our collection. We added Last Stop on the Reindeer Express and Pick a Pine Tree both books are really cute.

Then we went to the sledding hill to try out our skis, Cannon went from not wanting to ski to wanting to ski all the time, he’s super excited. Emmy is still a little nervous but I am hoping all the fun things at the ski resort will change her mind.

In the afternoon I did a 20/20/20 workout. I did a 20 minute Peloton ride, 20 minutes of strength then ran 20 minutes on the treadmill. I think this workout is great for people that are getting back into shape and don’t want to do an hour on the bike or treadmill. It was a great way to break the workout up, also good for short attention spans! I can’t wait until I am back to hour long spin classes. I remember back when Cory and I were training for Ironman we would show up at 4:30 to spin for 30 minutes before our gyms 5am spin class then stay for the 6am class as well. The double spin + class was a fun way to start the day.

I finished up my workout with some Athletic Greens, I added some protein powder to the mix and it made it a little easier to drink =)
Do you do Elf on the Shelf in your house?
What is your favorite workout?