We started out the day with still lots of snow on the ground and an even sicker dog. So we were sure that our New Years trip was off and that we were staying home.

We were all bummed about missing our trip but came to terms with it and had lots of house projects planned. Our biggest worry was actually that Humphry was sick and that we shouldn’t take him and that he could be really ill. We got some “samples” to the vet and waited to hear back on what to do to help Humphry. We heard back in the afternoon that Humphry just had a bacterial overgrowth that can be easily treaded with antibiotics and were given the green light to take Humphry with us from our vet.

We had accepted that we weren’t going so we weren’t properly preparing for our trip all morning, which meant that we were scrambling to get a very late departure. We packed, picked up Kermit in deep snow and got on the road.

And because we were supposed to be having dinner at our campsite, but left our house around 5 pm We fed our kids Burger King (parents of the year). It’s times like this that we probably should just throw in the towel but we have a hard time giving up an adventure.

We got to our site, which was amazing, after our bedtime and settled in for the night.
Do you ever say yes when you really should just say no?