Our precious little Cannon is now three and a half years old . Time is flying so fast and he has changed so much in the last year. We were watching videos from last year and it made my heart ache missing the tiny little baby in the video and loving the big boy he is growing into.

Even since the summer he has grown and changed so much!

With so much change coming we spent the summer enjoying Cannon’s favorite things:
playing in the backyard, playgrounds, popsicles and adventures in the mountains.
Eating, doughnuts, splash pads, biking, hiking and pools!
In August it was time for Cannon to start school.
Cannon has grown so much since starting school. He sings songs, recites his ABCs and can count past 20. He follows directions better now and loves his teachers and friends. It was hard for me to see him go but I am so glad we sent him.
In the fall we took the entire family to Europe for almost three weeks. We had a blast and Cannon seemed to really enjoy exploring the castles and seeing the sites in the cities. (travel logs HERE)
We transitioned Cannon from his crib to a toddler bed to a twin and sleep has not been the same. Cannon has been the best sleeper basically since birth but now he is not sleeping through the night. He gets up every night scared of something. Anyone know of tips to help a three year old sleep through the night and stay in their bed?
When we got home from Europe, we got to start celebrating Halloween.

Cannon fell deeply in love with Halloween and enjoyed it all so much. He is still taking about it. I thought the excitement of Christmas would help him move on but clearly his favorite holiday is Halloween.
Cannon also loved all the Christmas traditions.

And clearly loved opening gifts!

Cannon really started to get into the elf on the shelf and Santa this year. It’s been so fun seeing him understanding more and more things.
So much has happened and Cannon has grown so much in the last six months. I can’t imagine what things will be like in six more months when he turns four!
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