So much to share about our tour of the San Juan Mountains! For now I will say Telluride is in my top five Colorado mountain towns.

And just like that another school year is over!
This year was such a roller coaster, we came very close to not sending Cannon at all to in person school to keep him (and us) safe from Covid. But nervously we sent him and now I can say it was a really good choice. Cannon loves school so much and is looking forward to full day Kindergarten.
He started at this preschool when he was just barley three years old two years ago, now he is almost five and has gown up so much!
I feel lucky that he gets to stay in the same building for Kindergarten, in fact, assuming we don’t move he will go to his school until he finishes eighth grade.
I Can’t believe that Emmy will be starting preschool in just a few months!
I can’t believe how much they have changed!
Spring 2020
Fall 2019
It has been kind if crazy around here as we wrap up the end of Cannon’s school year. I know as the kids get older things are just going to get even crazier. I am just trying to brace for impact.
Here is what we have been up to in this last week:
Celebrating birthdays and hanging with good friends.
Enjoying lots of treats
Confronting fears.
Putting together thank you gifts for Cannon’s teachers.
Writing out Cannon’s end of year boars, here are his stats from his first day back in August. His board, and Emmy’s are made by Chalk Designs by ME
**Also noticing how much our bulldog has been shedding on Cannon’s bed!
Cannon had crazy hair day at school and let me spray his hair green. I was very happy when it all washed out, I was a little worried he would finish the year with slightly green hair.
The kids have been on a mission to find heart shaped rocks for me, these were their latest finds.
Afternoon popsicles in the backyard make it feel like summer!
Just one more day of school for Cannon tomorrow and then we are off for a long weekend in the mountains!
What is the end of the school year look like for you?
I loved this article from Trail Runner Magazine about Imposter Syndrome:
I have often struggled with imposter syndrome both in running and my professional life, I love the advice give.
I love all the movements now like “I have a runner’s body” and inclusivity of all paces, but sometimes I still feel like I am not a “real” runner if I am not running 60 mile weeks or sub 3 hour marathons.
I am working on it because it is worth overcoming these feelings for these views:
**All places I have LOVED running because I didn’t let imposter syndrome get the best of me**
We started our Saturday off moving our Caterpillars who are now in chrysalises to their butterfly house. It’s such a fun activity to do with the kids, they loved it both last year and this year.
Cannon then had his last soccer game of the season.
He had a great time and is already looking forward to playing again in the fall.
We were lucky to have my parents and brother come down to watch Cannon play. They then came over to our house to have a pizza party and hang out. It’s so nice to be all vaccinated and hanging out together again.
We had our four dogs all together and it felt played outside in the backyard, ate on the deck, summer really is the best season!
The rest of the day was shopping for the week and family movie time.
With just three more days of school and I have a lot of planning to do as we welcome the start of summer!
Another beautiful morning outside running with the sunrise.
It’s pretty easy to get outside to run when you are greeted with this view.
After dropping Cannon off at school I dropped Emmy of at my parents house and went to get my hair done.
After 15 months I really needed a refresh! Some highlights added and four inches removed, I feel like a new woman.
For the afternoon we played outside and planted our garden.
Just three more days of school before summer break, time to start working on our summer bucket list!