And juuuuuuuust like that it’s the end of May. Our world has been turned upside down with Covid and social injustice I can’t wrap my head around all of it.
Currently Learning – How to do and be MORE. I would consider myself NOT a racist and my core belief is that everyone is equal. But it has become very clear that is not enough and because of my privilege it is my obligation to be actively anti-racist. My reading list on racism and white privilege is long and my desire to show my children how to do things better is deep. We can and MUST do better. Black lives matter, we see you, you matter, we will do better.
Currently Dealing With – Humphry’s health. We spent a lot of time and lots of money figuring out what was wrong with our little guys’ health. After seeing a specialist we were told it was likely cancer and it would not be treatable. After a terrible 48 hours of not knowing we found out the there was NO sign of cancer and that he had necrotizing pancreatitis. Most likely Humphry will heal himself with some meds to keep him comfortable. We will know for sure in a week or so, fingers crossed.
Currently Loving – Playing in the water in our back yard. Any day it’s warm enough we are out playing in the pool or water table.
Currently working on– Home DIY! We are still working on our kitchen. Our original plan was to move out of our house and have the floors fixed and cabinets painted. With quarantine and Covid-19 that was derailed so we are trying to figure out a new plan. We are also planning on putting in a paver patio in our backyard. Currently we have a stone walk that is uneven, the kids fall on it and the weed block has broken down so it really needs some love.

Emmy is super cute but please notice ALL of the weeks already (yikes). Time to do something about it!
Currently Eating – Still eating outside as much as possible. It’s great because when the kids are super messy we can just hose it off!

Currently Conquering – Cannon’s first 5k. Cannon’s school hosted a 5k for their students (PE) so we participated. Cannon ran/walked most of the way and I was so proud of him. Grandma found an old 5k medal and gave it to him to celebrate his accomplishment!
Currently Visiting – We have kept fairly isolated especially from my parents, while that has been hard we have had a BBQ on their deck while they stayed inside. We did let the kids play with their uncle Erik, he has been very careful and responsible so we decided he was a safe bet. Also Emmy melts into him when she sees him and they both love him so much!

Currently Watching – A family of Great Horned Owls that live in our neighborhood.

Currently Buying – Welcome to summer gift baskets for the kids, lots of bubbles, swimsuits and fun to kick off the summer and celebrate the end of “school”

Currently Spending All Our Time – Outside looking for bugs, frogs, birds, turtles, snakes and anything else we can find.
What’s current with you?
What is your favorite month? Mine are (in order) October, December and May.