A lot has happened in the last month, I wish I meant a lot of training but it’s been little training and a lot of life stuff.
In the last month we celebrated Emmy’s first birthday.

And we got to celebrate Easter.

Cory went out of town for a week for work (at least these two still had tons of fun together) parenting solo is NO JOKE. Much respect to the single parents out there.

I then got a few good runs in and BAM I strained my calf muscle. I didn’t happen on a run just playing with Cannon at the park (insert sad face).

I started a new job, which is fun and awesome but I totally underestimated how much work it is to start at a new institution.
I got an infection and had to be on antibiotics for a week. Then we were off to Saint George so Cory could race his half ironman.

We had fun cheering for Cory all over St. George but on the way home Cannon broke out in a mystery rash, which sent us to the urgent care. Luckily it was deemed to be just a virus but that lead to a killer cold that knocked all of us flat and is now lingering as bronchitis.
I don’t lay all of this out there to complain or gather sympathy, it’s just stuff, and we all get stuff. Some of it was good, some of it necessary and some of it I could have done without (hello infections and injury). As you may imagine training has been almost non existent in the last month. I will admit that it has been frustrating and it feels a bit like my dream of running 50 miles this year slipping away.
Now that I am slowly on the mend and was able to get out on short runs yesterday and today. I can only hope that four months if enough time to get my training in.
Anyone else dealt with a crazy month and training delays? Keeping the hope alive for a 50 in September!