Emerald’s first Christmas has come and gone and I am still in disbelief the the year of her birth is gone. But I can’t be sad too long because this little girl is so full of light and joy. She keeps getting more fun and spunky, I just love being around her.

At nine months Emerald is 28.5 inches long (91% ) and 18 lbs 8 oz (60%) BMI 30%. Emmy is wearing size 3 diapers, and is wearing mostly 9 or 12 month size clothes but 9 month pants are getting short on her so we will be putting those away soon.

We are making slow progress on eating with Emmy. She is eating much more when we spoon feed her things like yogurt, cottage cheese and pouches.
She will also eat soft solids like eggs or avocado but only if we feed them to her, If we put food in front of her she will pick it up and play with it. She will put other things in her mouth like toys or my sweater but never food. I keep reminding myself that she will feed herself one day.
Sleep continues to go well for us. Overnight she sleeps from 7pm until 5:30 -6:00 am everyday. If I could figure out how to get her to sleep later that would be great.

We are solidly down to three naps a day now and I am so happy to have solidified a schedule. It seems to work for us that Emmy goes down for her first nap early between 7:30 and 8:00 am so that we are ready to go out for mid-morning activities. Then she goes down again after lunch around noon. Then most days she takes a short nap around 4:00 pm unless we are out and she skips her nap then we just try to get her to be a little early.
Emerald is a crawling expert and gets everywhere she wants to go. The days of sitting her down while I got something done are gone.

She is pulling herself up on everything and cruising and getting into everything.

She is really starting to babble a lot and says, Dada, Mama, Baba it’s so sweet hearing her little voice. She is also waving a little and clapped once.
We had so much fun this last month celebrating Christmas

She makes everyday brighter and we couldn’t love her more.
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