After doing monthly updates for the first year for both Cannon and Emmy (all found here) I didn’t think Monthly was still necessary but quarterly feels right for now.

This age is so much fun! Emmy has the best personality and is bubbling over with joy.

This isn’t the best photo quality but perfectly describes her personality perfectly right now. Always on the move and almost always bubbling over with joy.
Over the past couple months we have transitioned fully to straw cups for Emmy and she enjoys water and milk from them throughout the day.

We use these Nuby bottles that are approved by both our pediatrician and dentist to not impact their teeth the way bottles do and they don’t spill!
Emmy is also very good at feeding herself now and can use a fork and spoon well. Even though she is good at feeding herself at this point she is SO MESSY when she eats. It’s always all over her clothes, floor and in her hair. She pulls all bibs off so I have just accepted that she wears 2-3 outfits a day.

While Emmy is still pretty good at eating lots of different foods she has started to reject vegetables. She loves fruit, yogurt, meat, cheese, eggs and crackers.

Like most toddlers she loves sweets and goes crazy for afternoon popsicles in the backyard (no clothes because she gets it all over herself).
We are currently transitioning from two naps to one for Emmy. Somedays she really needs two and will take a short one in the morning and then another short one in the afternoon. If we skip the morning nap then she will sometimes nap longer in the afternoon, but never more than two hours. My eyes tear up a little when I hear about other kids taking 3 hour naps daily but at least we get great sleep at night! I am hoping in a month when Cannon starts school we can drop to just one fully so we can enjoy time together while Cannon is at school, then pick him up and eat lunch together before napping.

Sleep continues to be solid overnight for Emmy, her current bedtime is between 6:30 and 7:00 PM and she wakes around 6:00 AM.

The biggest milestone Emmy has reached is fully walking (running) everywhere. Until 13 months Emmy was happy to “walk” around on her knees (hence why she was wearing pants to the splash pad to protect her knees. Now she runs around like a pro. Her favorite thing is to chase after Cannon.

She is also working on her words she will say mama, dada, I love you, Hi, Bye, Ya, No. I think in the next few months she is going to be talking more and more.

You may have noticed Emmy’s signature top pony in all of her photos. Her hair is so long now that if left alone it hangs over her eyes and sometimes gets stuck in her mouth!

She won’t keep clips or headbands on so daily ponys is where we are.

It’s been more and more fun to play with Emmy lately. She loves the park, museum, splash pad, pools, playing outside, inside, everything is fun for Emerald.

Emmy, while you are fully a toddler now, you will always be my baby.
Past Monthly Updates