Emmy is now 21 Months old, time is flying and I am trying to hold onto everything that makes this time so magical. Emmy is so silly and fun and full of personality. She still loves her mommy most in the world and often needs cuddles (I LOVE it).

There was so much to celebrate in the last three months. Emmy loved dressing up as Tinker Bell for Halloween. She really seemed to have fun trick-or-treating.

We missed Thanksgiving due to the flu this year and that was a bummer, but at least we were together and made the most of it.

We had a very merry Christmas and it was so fun, Emmy loved opening presents this year. It was a big improvement last year when she didn’t get to enjoy it because she was very sick.

We then celebrated New Years with friends with found thoughts of how great 2019 was.
Emmy is pretty open to eating most things now and is very good at feeling herself but she is so very messy. I am constantly trying to get stains out of her clothes.

Unfortunately she has taken to throwing her food and utensils on the floor and saying “uh-oh”.

I remember Cannon doing the same thing around this age so we just have to wait it out.
Sleep was a bit of a rollercoaster for Emmy the last few months. When we were in Europe Emmy just slept in bed with one of us or in her car seat.

When we got home Emmy had a hard time adjusting to sleeping alone in her crib again. There were a few weeks where she was not sleeping through the night and needed to be cuddled a lot. Luckily she adjusted back and is now sleeping through the night in her crib and can self soothe again.
Emmy goes to bed between 6:30-7:00 PM at night and wakes up between 6:00-6:30 AM. She also takes one nap a day in the afternoon. Many days her nap is only about an hour but once and awhile we get lucky with one that is over two hours.
Emmy is communicating more and more in the last few months, she knows so many words and loves to be understood. She can’t exactly say Cannon yet so she calls him “Ann-on” it’s so cute.

Cannon and Emmy are still best friends, and I really hope it stays that way.

Emmy has also come a long way in terms of learning to enjoy snow lately.
In November we signed Emmy up gymnastics at first she didn’t participate much and just wanted to run around wild. Now she loves doing what her coach tells her to do. She isn’t a fan of the foam pit yet but I think in a few more sessions she might start to like it.
Emmy loves to be outside as much as possible and we try to get out for hikes whenever possible.

She loves playing at the playground when we pickup/drop off Cannon at school.

Going on adventures.

And playing at the museum, gym and friends’ houses.

She is silly and sweet and we couldn’t love her more.
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