Well….the world has been turned upside down since I last posted and we are currently on day 18 of “social distancing”. My mom shared with me that some (older) kids are keeping journals of this time so when they are older they can reflect on what it was like. At one and three my kiddos can’t write journals but she encouraged me to keep so notes/pictures of this time. It seems like a good time to dust off the cobwebs and keep a little online journal for us to look back on what it was like for us during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Currently Loving – All of our family time. It’s a silver lining to all that is happening in the world.

We got out last weekend on a quiet trail for some socially distant hiking.

Currently Eating – Well maybe not eating but consuming SO MUCH COFFEE. And probably too many quarantine snacks.

Currently Researching – How long we will REALLY need to be socially distant. I think it will be much longer than we are all hoping.
Currently Training For – ????? I was very excited to race the Mt. Hood 50 in July but the way things are heading the race might be cancelled. Also since we would have to travel for the race it isn’t looking likely that we will go. For now I am thinking of focusing on a local race probably in the early fall but not really sure. I am running but I feel like everything is currently a moving target.
Currently Shopping For – This was early March before everything shut down but we decided to remodel our kitchen, went shopping for new counters. We started the demo and are mid project now so that has been interesting.

Currently Obsessed With- My treadmill. This thing is has many many miles on it and is amazing. So very grateful for it during these times. But also excited the that weather is getting better and it’s getting lighter so I can run outside =)

Currently Working On – Working. I am grateful in these times to still have a job. My teaching job has always been online so nothing much has changed. The program I teach for is geared toward nurses looking to advance their degrees (RN to BSN or similar). I appreciate my students now more than ever.
Currently Spending Time – In our yard. Thank god for nice days when we can play outside!

What’s current with you?
How are you holding up in these times?