Baby is now the size of:
Baby girl is getting big! I was a little late getting in to the OB for my 30 week so I went this week and everything is good so far, knock wood! I have gained 22 pounds so far, if I can keep it around 30 pounds total I will be happy. I gained 42 pounds total with Cannon and it did NOT “melt off with breast feeding” I really had trouble losing the baby weight until I stoped breast feeding then the weight came off.Sleep: Sleep has been a struggle. It’s hard to get comfortable most nights and being sick hasn’t helped much. Also one night I had severe cramping in one of my calf muscles around 2:30 AM. It took a long time to release and then I was in so much pain I couldn’t fall back asleep. The cramp was so bad I am still sore days later. I could nap during Cannon’s nap time but I use that time to work so I am just trying to muddle through.
Maternity clothes / preferred attire: As usual mostly maternity. I am really looking forward to warmer weather so I can wear more of the maternity clothes I bought when I was pregnant with Cannon. I have lots of maxi dresses and linen pants that just don’t work in February. I am glad that I invested in a maternity coat (50% of at GAP!) this time. Last time I just wore my normal coats with a scarf without buttoning them. This time I am much further along during the cold months and tend to spend more time outside with Cannon.

Highlight of the day….finally getting a maternity jacket I made it through my last pregnancy without one but sine I am 2 Months further along this winter I was freezing. Pretty dang excited
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, leg cramps (the worst), congestion due to being sick…..still, fatigue.
Cravings, aversions and favorite foods: not too many cravings or aversions, I just tend to get full easily so I can only eat small meals and not too much sugar or I will feel sick.
Exercise: Exercise was hit or miss last week while fighting a cold and now a sore leg but I am still trying to move at least a little everyday.
Mood: My mood is up and down. Today is exactly 2 months until my EDD, that seems so far away and SOOOO close at the same time! I feel nervous about all there is to get done including getting our house organized, preparing for birth, finishing the nursery and getting my classes in order in case someone else will be teaching the last couple of weeks.
Missing: A glass of wine and putting on shoes without suffocating.
Best moments: Feeling this little one move so much, much more than Cannon ever did.
Worst moments: Having to take Cannon to the doctor twice because his cough was so bad. I was worried he had Croup but he was diagnosed with Bronchitis. He has terrible coughing fits every time he moves around too much. It’s not easy to keep a toddler from running around and he gets so sad and upset when he has a coughing fit. It’s heartbreaking to see your little one not feeling well.

When you have to make an emergency visit to the doctor at least you get to visit the pretty a cold turned into what we feared was Croup but turns out is bronchitis poor kiddo
Buying: Bought my first pack of newborn diapers this week.
Dreaming About: Running outside during summer sunrises