We still don’t have a lot going on in our lives just hanging out, recovering and getting things done as we have energy.

I think this one is sooooo cute.

The kids love this one, and it’s easy. I think one of the reasons I love Elf on the Shelf is that we keep it pretty simple. If we are tired or just not feeling creative we just move where they are and the kids like finding them regardless.

We spent some time setting up the kids’ room for Christmas. I took pictures of their trees that we decorated but I should take photos of the rest of their rooms as I think there will big changes in the next year.

We also have a “kids” tree in our play loft that we all decorate together. The idea of this tree is that all the decorations aren’t breakable so the kids can play with them. This way they can have a tree they can play with and then know they aren’t allowed to touch out live tree that we have in the living room with all of our spacial decorations.

I extra love this tree because we had a kids tree growing up and my mom handed the the decorations down to us. A lot of the wood ornaments were cut by my dad and painted my either my mom or grandmother. I remember putting that plastic candy garland up on the tree growing up and I love that my kids getting to do it now too. We let them put it all up and not worry about things being “perfect”.

Cory was able to finish up the lights outside and we enjoyed some time outside playing in the backyard and driveway. Hoping that vitamin D is helping us.

We spent the rest of the day playing, resting and returning some library books.
I think this type of day will be on repeat until we are feeling better and back to real life, hopefully early next week.
Hoping PT and light cardio make a comeback tomorrow.
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