We had a very simple Sunday as we are still stuck at home….just a couple more days, but who’s counting.

The elves hid candy canes around the house, this was another fun one =)
We spent some time playing outside in our backyard enjoying the much needed sunshine.

Our yard has been delayed so much because of weather that now we have to wait until at least March before our landscaper will lay new sod. I am super bummed that our yard won’t be done for such a long time and now we have a mud pit from the fill dirt but we are going to spread out weed block and deal until spring. At least we have some of our yard black to play in.

We started watching The Santa Clause series, the kids are not into yet, but loved Elf this year. We have moved out of the phase where only cartoons are fun.

I took some time setting up our Christmas book nook, I have so many Christmas books that I love it’s hard to choose which ones to put up. We have shelves that we are going to put up in Emmy’s room soon.

Cannon’s little nook is so cute.

**I own some of these books but also check many out from our local library, it would be very expensive to add all of these titles to your collection in one year. We are building ours with a few new favorites each year.
Shelves – Banners – Shelfie Sign – Kids Custom Chairs – Wire Basket

Monthly Book Nooks:
February – Love/Valentines Day
March – St. Patricks Day/Rainbow
April – Easter
May – Spring/Flowers
June – Mexico/Beach/Ocean
July – Camping/summer
August – Back to School
September – Fall/Harvest
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