Day five of of quarantine and we are still surviving quite well. We are taking it easy and slow. Hopefully we will get good news about Cannon’s test today.

There was some good cuddles with Daddy.

Matching Christmas jammies (thanks Costco!)

It was an incredibly windy day but we really needed some fresh air.

Cannon was an awesome big brother and pushed Emmy around in her car while Cory and I cleaned up the yard.

Emmy has been treating anything she can like a trampoline so I think the Christmas shopping is going in this direction:

We then decorated the “kids Tree” in our play room.

This has only non-breakable decorations some from when I was a kid and some from my moms childhood!

My mom and grandma even painted some of them

I wish I had their talent.
I am actually really looking forward to running outside once our quarantine is over. Once I CAN’T do something I love, I miss it all that much more. Our mornings are slower now that we don’t have to rush off to school so maybe I can get up a little later and run as the sun is coming up. I actually love winter running.

Now we wait for results and hope for the best.
How is everyone doing this Monday?
Which would you choose winter or summer running?
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