Another day another 4 miles on the treadmill…..I don’t have much to say about it. I was tired and just ran easy. I will say that I I feel SOOOOO much better when I get up before the kids and run. Until the afternoon when I hit the wall and want a nap so bad =)
Our day went as it normally does, walk Cannon to school, meet friends at the playground and come home for lunch.

It Friday, which is probably my favorite day! Here are some of my other favorites this week:
Old Navy is having a 50% off for card holders!
I grabbed a few staples that we needed but also matching PJs for the entire family (love matching) and some holiday masks for the kiddos. I like these because they have adjustable ears and fit the kids well.

I have been loving this Cranberry Raspberry sparking water from Spindrift. We got a case from Costco, but you can find it elsewhere as well.

Starbucks came out with their holiday drinks and cups today so that was a fun treat, I got the caramel brulee latte.

And because I love matching so much, I got Emmy a pair of TOMS so that we could “kinda” match. They have really cute holiday designs right now but I can’t justify buying a pair that I will only wear one month a year so I stick to the classics.
Have any favorites this week?
Do you buy seasonal clothing? YES for the kids, not so much for myself.
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